Free Yoga Qigong Classes
Welcome to this free Online Yoga Library. All the classes are open to all levels of experience. Read the description below the video to see what resonates with you. Enjoy your practice!
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Free videos
The videos are around 10 minutes in length. Want more and different variety and lengths of classes? Join me and CLICK HERE for the Online Studio.
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This SLOW DOWN practice is the perfect way to make time for yourself to slow down your breath, your mind to connect with yourself. If you feel you’re running after life or life gets a little busy crazy, this class is for you.
This ENERGISING MORNING FLOW practice will wake up all the corners of stagnant energy stored overnight in the body and mind and get you started for the day. If you feel a little dull, tired, not getting moving, this class is for you.
This NEW MOON TONIC practice will create space for you to open up to new possibilities and potential that you like to invite into your life. It is the beginning of a new cycle which is an ideal practice during new moon days to set a new intention whether it’s for a new goal, new direction, new project and to draw in the energy of the moon for manifestation to take place. You have an opportunity every month and it is free to access! When you start to work in alignment with the moon, you begin to flow with the energy of abundance in life.
This FULL MOON TONIC practice will shine a light into all areas of your life that needs your attention, which could be related to work, home, relationships, the past, future or anything that you have been working on. It is the brightest light that will shake things up for you so that you can be guided in a more healthy and intuitive direction as you start to filter out anything that do not serve and support you. The full moon is all about letting go and releasing the old, the stagnant energies which can be recycled into the earth to transform into the new.
This IMMUNE BOOSTER practice will beat the cold and flu season by clearing out congestion from the lungs and stimulate energy in the thymus glands to help fight disease. With regular practice it helps to circulate blood flow to strengthen and support your immune function and creates a buffer from virus entering into your system.
This CHAIR REJUVENATOR practice will give you an instant release from tension built in the neck, back and hips, even your brain from long term focusing and sitting on a chair. It will create circulation in the spine to pump fresh oxygen back into your brain so you feel rejuvenated through simple and specific stretches, chair salutation and centering practices.
This APANA VAYU ENERGY FLOW practice is all about moving energy downward and outward, almost everything goes into our body also needs to go out like food, drink and breath. A healthy apana vayu is our ability to eliminate, for women to have their menstrual cycle on schedule and for men to have healthy ejaculation. Mentally, a healthy apana vayu is our ability to experience difficulty, process it and release it. This practice allows us to connect with the earth, inviting a sense of grounding and being supported.
This PRANA VAYU ENERGY FLOW practice is about moving energy inward, including all the things that we take into our body like our breath, food, drink and swallowing. A healthy prana vayu is our ability to feed our five senses with healthy stimulation and find balance for silence and space. Any excess exposure to loud noise, violence and stimulation can overload our senses. This practice focus on the upper body which allows us to move our attention inward.
This SAMANA VAYU ENERGY FLOW practice is all about assimilation and absorption of all that we ingest into the body and the capacity to digest. A healthy samana vayu is our ability to digest, assimilate and process food, thoughts, emotions and experience. Turning any negativity or difficult experience and transform into learning experience and not letting it weigh us down. This practice focus on the navel center which allows us to process and move things through.
This UDANA VAYU ENERGY FLOW practice is about moving energy upward in our body and perspective, which govern our personal growth. A healthy udana vayu is our willingness to reach beyond general limitations, accepting challenges for personal or career growth and not get stagnant that leads nowhere. This practice focuses on the neck and chest which allows us to rise and expand.
This VYANA VAYU ENERGY FLOW practice is all about moving energy from the center outward, creating circulation throughout the whole body. A healthy vyana vayu is circulating energy of nutrients on all levels, from food, water, oxygen throughout the body, emotions and thoughts. As well as the absorption of the nutrients going where is needed and the release of energy from the absorption and the elimination of wastes. This practice focuses on moving energy to flow freely from the inside and out to support all the other vayus.
This HEALING YOGA NIDRA practice is to unwind, unpack and release tension from our everyday stressors and life that is constantly filled with noise, stimulation and distractions which can affect our sleep. In this yogic sleep it brings you into a delta brain wave which allows a deep state of relaxation and complete restfulness.
This ENERGY REBOOT practice is to reset the mind and body to bring in more energy and vitality in. When you are feeling sluggish or unmotivated, it can also restricts the flow of energy within the body and cloud the mind. By clearing any stagnant energy can help transform from old to new, just like pressing the reset button.
This GIVE AND RECEIVE practice is to build a connection with others (whether it’s your partner, friend or loved ones). Yoga is about relationships with ourselves and others. Through this practice, you will connect through the breath where you exchange life force energy with your partner and feel a sense of balance and support.
This STEADY STRENGTH practice is to build endurance towards the direction of your goals. Find steady pace and steady breath to allow the body to move without strain towards our growth. Build strength in the mind to cultivate strength in the body.
This RETREAT INTO SELF focus on calming the mind through cultivating the calmness of breath to drop you into a deep state of relaxation and meditation. The power of the breath in this practice is key to transforming the mind to allow you to fall into a restful state. This practice is best done when you have a restless mind or need a moment to retreat into yourself.
This RECALIBRATE practice focuses on purifying the body and mind to cleanse and reset. When we are taking on so much of life, it can overwhelm us on so many levels from physical, mental and emotional. This practice starts with seated fire breathing, tissue massage for the liver, spleen, lungs and digestive system through spinal twist to standing movement to circulate and integrate the energy.
This QIGONG FOR HEALTHY SPINE practice is to support the release of tension in the spine from sitting at the desk or lack of movement. When our spine is healthy and supple, it allows us to age gracefully and to be able to move through life with ease. This Qigong flow is a standing practice that focus on creating fluid movement to move the spine in all directions for a healthy spine.
This QUARANTINE STRESS RELIEF QIGONG is for people in quarantine or isolation, whether you're in a hotel room or home. It can help to clear stress and anxiety from being stuck in a confined space, to clear all negative thoughts and emotions while moving energy to vibrate a high positive state.
This Qigong practice helps to strengthen the legs and feet to build stability, improve balance and preventing falls. It's a great practice to build strength as you age so your legs can take you more miles and enjoy more of life.
This Qi massage is a guided self-massage sequence that starts with Qi facial and specific acupressure points to focus on calming the mind and relaxing the brain, moving down to clear stress in the body and releasing stagnant energy in the legs, finishing with a yin massage and Qi nap. A short but powerful Qi massage for a much needed rest and rejuvenation.
This Qigong flow focuses on replenishing your energy (Qi) in nature. If you can, find a spot in nature to connect and embrace nature's Qi to help you replenish your mind and body. Cleansing the old energy out of your body and energy field so that you can fill up with new energy. This practice can be done anytime you feel you've picked up negative, old, dark energies and needed to clear and be cleansed with new energy.
Are you a morning person? I have learned over the years when the sun rises, it is the most beautiful and sacred time of the day as the world is still quiet and asleep. You have this fresh new life of energy to work with and cultivate. Doing a Qigong practice at sunrise can elevate and shift your energy for the day. This SUNRISE WITH QIGONG wakes up every part of the cells in your body, if you feel fatigued, tired, or lack energy and need to inspire to kickstart your day. Join me at the beautiful Sydney Opera House and wake up with the sun.
This is my favourite ritual in the morning to move your energy from yin to yang, and get your mind and body ready for your day. When you wake up with the sun, you are aligning your rhythm with nature's rhythm. Let's activate your energy with this Qigong practice. Join me at the beautiful island in Bali and energise your body.