The large intestine receives food from the small intestine, absorbs fluids, and excrete solid waste.
In the Five Element Theory of Chinese Medicine, the Metal element can be hard and get stuck. The large intestine meridian, being the yang organ of the Metal element, invites us to let go, not to cling or hold on but surrender to the moment. As human beings, we have a habit of hanging onto the past and like to know what our future holds. How can you fully live and enjoy the present moment? It can be a practice to learn to let go physically and emotionally so you can relax in the now and be in the flow.
You can focus on strengthening and tonifying the large intestine meridian in Autumn or if there is an imbalance in the large intestine like constipation, dry stools, skin rash, or if you feel emotionally 'stuck' or defensiveness.
Large intestine energy peaks at 5am - 7am, which is when the large intestine meridian is on duty. This is the time for:
△ wake up
△ bowel movement
△ brush hair to clear out energy in the mind
△ meditate
One of the common questions you may get asked when you visit a Chinese Doctor "how is your bowel movement/stool?" By learning about your bowel movement can determine the state of your health. For example, cold and raw food can cause interior cold that leads to diarrhea and loose stools. Any greasy or hot spicy food can cause damp heat which leads to foul, urgent and burning stools.
Practices to nourish your large intestine Qi: Ensure to always sip warm liquid, as it is easier for your body to digest. Eat warm and easy-to-digest food. it's a good healthy habit to wake up with a warm glass of water (with a squeeze of lemon and ginger) to kickstart your digestion. Morning is freshest as the world is still waking up, it is a prime time to do meditation to bring clarity into your day.
The key to nurturing your large intestine Qi is to have a smooth flow of energy in the large intestine meridian and the suggested practices that I created this month in the Online Healing Studio is specifically to help Yang Sheng for your large intestine meridian.
If you are ready to journey into the Yang Sheng way, join me in my Online Healing Studio!
May you be filled with good Qi,
Carol x